WebSite X5 Evo and Pro
Every Blog has a Main Page, which functions as a section Home Page, and as many Pages as the published article are.
The program automatically generates the article pages according to the contents set on the Post Settings window.
All the article pages share the same structure, which you can customize by following these steps:
- Go to Step 3- Sitemap, select the Special Page Blog: Article Page and select on Edit, or double-click on it.
- Select the view type you prefer among the available ones: they vary according to the arrangement of the elements.
- Title at the top, contents at the bottom
- Title at the top, cover and contents at the bottom
- Cover at the top, title and contents at the bottom
- If you choose a view type which includes a cover image, you can check the Fit to page option so it can fit in all the available space on the page, then set its maximum height. Remember to also define the value, in pixels, of the maximum height that the Cover image can assume within the Page.
- Finally, decide whether you want a sidebar containing typical search tools, such as a list of recent articles, categories, or articles by month, to be present on all article Pages. If so, simply enable the Show Side Blocks (for more information, see: Come How to add article boxes with recent articles, categories and tags on Blog pages).