
WebSite X5 Evo and Pro

In WebSite X5, each website you create corresponds to a Project, that is saved in a file called Project.IWPRJ. This file is created automatically the first time you save your Project: it is saved in the Projects folder which you can specify in the Preferences window.

Once you have a project file, you can easily duplicate it so to have a basis you can start from to create a new website starting from the original one (see: How to make a copy of your project) or you can export/import it so to move it from a PC to the other (see: How to import/export a project from one computer to another).

Obviously, if you create more than one website, you will have multiple project files, but don't worry: by working with the Pro edition, you have all the tools available to efficiently organize you Project Folder (see: How to manage the Project Folder). 

The Project Library

In addition to generating the project file, WebSite X5 also creates and stored a copy of all the resources (images, animations, videos etc) you used of the Project into a dedicated Library which is automatically managed. In this way, you can enjoy some important benefits:

  1. The resources linked to the Project are smartly added in the Library: there is only one copy of each element in the Library, no matter how many times you use them on the Project. 
  2. Even if you move or delete the original files from the position they were originally saved at, the project still continues to work and all the resources are displayed correctly.  

While files are automatically added in the Library, their removal isn't automatically managed: files will stay in the Library even if they aren't used on the Project anymore, at least until you decide to delete them. We suggest you analyze the project to identify the files which are no longer connected, make a possible backup copy and then delete them. In this way, you will be able to optimize the Project file size (see: How to optimize a Project).