
WebSite X5 Pro

When you have set the prices for the products in the shopping cart (see: How to define shipping methods for your store) you can create the price range according to the total order value.

You can create different price ranges according to the total amount of the order by following these steps:

  • In the Shopping Cart > Order Management window,  click on the Add or Edit button next to the Shipping type List table to open the Shipping Type window and create a new shipping method or edit an existing one.
  • In Shipping Type >  Cost, select the Cost of total Order amount option and click on the Add button. Use the window that opens to specify the Order's amount which must be equaled or exceeded to apply the specified shipping Price.
  • Repeat these steps to set all the price ranges you want.

#tip - Variable shipping costs according to the country- You will be able to set a different shipping cost, regardless whether it is fixed or variable, according to the customer's country (see: How to set different shipping costs according to the customer's country).