
WebSite X5 Evo and Pro

The tooltips are tiny explanatory notes which are displayed next to the mouse pointer where a link has been set, and you can use them to explain what will happen by clicking on it: for example, the user will be redirected to another Page or to another Website, an image will be displayed, a file will be downloaded and so on.

To set up tooltips on your Website you need to:

  1. define the general style you want to apply to the tooltips;
  2. choose the contents for each single tooltip.

Defining the style for your tooltips

All the tooltips within a Project will share the same style settings. You can define this aspect by following these steps:

  • Go to Step 2 - Template Settings > Tooltip on mouseover.
  • Use the available options to define all the parameters, such as the kind of arrow, the background color, margins and texthe fade effect etc.

Setting up the contents for your tooltips

While the style is the same for all the tooltips of a project, each one can have its own contents, which need to be reported for each link.

For each link you want to display a tooltip for, you then need to:

  • Open the Tooltip section in the Link window.
  • Type in the text in the specific field and set the width.
  • In addition to the text, you can also report an image: import the wished file and set its width and position.

If you don't report any contents (text and/or image) for the Tooltip, none will be displayed for that specific link.