
WebSite X5 Evo and Pro

For many websites, especially for the professional or corporate ones offering products and/or services, the final goal is to make the visitors register by filling out a contact form. It is then crucial to create effective forms.

One of the aspects which make a contact form efficient is the number of fields, i.e. the number of required details: generally speaking, the fewer fields, the better: because of this, consider carefully what you want to ask with your contact form, and only add the most important fields.

That said, here you can find the steps to follow to create your contact/registration form. The fields reported in the example are only a selection of the possible fields you can choose among.

  • Open the page you want to work on and insert a Text Object, which is useful for entering a title and/or an invitation to register, and then insert an Contact Form Object.
  • In Contact Form Object > List click on the Add button to open the Insert Field window and select Text field: insert "Name" as the Label, set the Width (%) to 50% and select the Set as Mandatory Field option. Confirm to create your first field that asks for the visitor's name.
  • Repeat the procedure to insert a second Text field for the "Surname". Make sure there will be enough room in the row  (in the example 50%) for the "Name" and "Surname" fields to be side by side and that the Display on the same row as the previous Field option is selected.
  • Use the List field for the Male/Female question, or a field in a Drop Down List or Single Choice.
  • When you have entered the "M/F" Label, create the list of possible replies: click on the Add button to add the "Male" and "Female" options. You can also indicate the Number of rows that are visible.
  • Use the Date field for the date of birth. Choose the format for the date (with the Date Format option) so that the visitor's entry will be accepted. To make things easier for the visitor, you can select the Display 'Calendar' icon option: when the mouse is on the icon next to the field, a calendar will be displayed and the visitor can select the date from it, without having to type it.
  • Use a E-mail Address field for the e-mail address. Entries in this field will be checked automatically: they must have a @ character and a dot (.) in the text that follows it.
  • Visitors who want to register will need a password, so add a Password field, give it a Label and make it mandatory. For greater security, you can ask the visitor to type his password a second time. Select the Request password confirmation option to create the password confirmation field, and the two passwords will be compared automatically.
  • At the bottom of the form, you should insert an Agreement Conditions field to display conditions of use that the visitor must agree to when he registers. Give the field a Label and insert the Agreement Text: the Program automatically adds the "Accept" button.

Don't worry about the Send button for sending the compiled form: it is in fact added automatically by the Program at the bottom of the form.