
WebSite X5 Evo and Pro

One of the easiest ways for the visitors of a website to select the language for the contents is by using a drop-down list reporting the languages to choose among, which is usually available either in the template header or in the footer. Using the Language Choice Object, you can get a similar result as the one reported in this Preview page.

Do you want to find out how to use the Language Choice Object on your projects? Watch this short video or simply keep reading:

Let's assume that you want to create a website available in English, German and Portuguese, and that you have already prepared your projects accordingly (see: How to create a multi-language website). Now you can set up the language choice with this useful Object:

  • Open the English project.
  • Go to Step 2 - Template Settings > Template Content and choose if you want to work on the Header or Footer.
  • Add the Language Choice Object and double-click its icon so to open the settings window.
  • Select Language 1 from the List of the available languages. Define a Name (such as "English") and choose the image you want to use for the relative flag. Being the project main language, activate the This is the current language option.
  • Select now Language 2 from the List of the available languages. Again, define a Name (such as "Deutsch") and choose the image you want to use for the relative flag. Don't activate the This is the current language option this time, but report the Destination URL (such as, /de) instead, i.e. the folder the German project will be exported in.
  • For the third language, Portuguese, repeat the same steps followed for the German project.
  • Now, you just need to use the options in the Style section to define the drop-down menu style.

Once you're done with the English project, you will need to add a Language Choice Object for the other projects in German and Portuguese as well: you will of course need to set up the current language  and the destination URLs accordingly.

The last thing to do is exporting the projects online: you need to follow the previously reported URL structure, in order for the language switch to work properly in all cases. For more information see: How to publish projects for a multi-language website?

Are you curious to use this Object on your website pages? Install Language Choice now

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