
WebSite X5 Pro since v2024.2

Stripe is one of the most popular cloud platform for payment management worldwide.

Stripe's goal is to offer any kind of company the possibility to accept any payment form with a single integration. With this paid platform, therefore, it is possible to accept credit cards, debit cards and popular payment methods from all over the world. Moreover, it supports international cards, currency conversion, the 3D Secure authentication and instant transfers.

Stripe provides vendors with several tools through which they can obtain customized and detailed configurations for their online shop. It also guarantees high security standards too. 

How to connect a Stripe account

Follow these steps to activate Stripe as payment method for your online shop:

  • Go to Step 1 - Website Settings > Shopping Cart > Order Management.
  • In the Payment Type List section, click on Add to access the Payment Type window
  • Report the necessary details in the General and Cost sections, then click on Type and activate the Pay Now option. Select "Stripe" from the list.
  • Click on Connect: follow the onboarding procedure and report the necessary data. 
#tip - If you already have a Stripe account, you can use the same e-mail address. You will get another profile connected to WebSite X5 which you will be able to manage just like the other Stripe accounts you already own. 

#tip - For wallet payments, such as Apple Pay, Stripe also requires the domain registration: for more information, check out the guide on Support Stripe

  • In just a few steps, you have activated and connected your Stripe account:  you can now use the other options available in WebSite X5 to define the pages which need to be displayed for the Payment Confirmation or the Payment Error.  
  • Finally, and just in case of Digital products, you can define that the order is automatically set as "Processed" after the payment is received. To do this, you just need to activate the Process the purchase automatically after having received the payment option.
#tip -  To find out more about how to set a new payment method in general, please see: How to define payment methods

It is important to point out that the fees charged by Stipe are standard and are not changed by WebSite X5. However, WebSite X5 applies an additional 0.35% commission on all Stripe transactions for the users that use the service integrated in the software.