
WebSite X5 Pro

Choosing the right payment gateway for your online shop is crucial for its growth and success. Two of the most popular payment gateways worldwide are PayPal and Stripe. Both services are integrated in WebSite X5 so to make it easier for you to use them, and both offer a wide range of functions. 

In order to understand which solution is better for you, check out the official websites:

Consider the many functions these services offer, evaluate which ones can better suit your needs and compare the prices: please don't forget they can be pretty articulate and that they could vary according to the country. 

Additional commissions on Stripe with WebSite X5

It is important to point out that the fees charged by Stipe are standard and are not changed by WebSite X5. However, WebSite X5 applies an additional 0.35% commission on all Stripe transactions for the users that use the service integrated in the software.

This additional commission is due to the fact that the Stripe integration requires the use of dedicated servers, which are necessary for enabling communication between each individual online shop and the Stripe platform itself.

Consider that, without this service, you would have to manually integrate Stripe on your online store, which is a complex process requiring some technical skills and that could pose safety risks.

Some additional considerations

For making the right choice, however, you don't just have to consider prices, but also other aspects such as: 

  • Ease of use: Both services are easy to use and integrate with WebSite X5, however PayPal can be considered as easier, especially for users with less technical skills. 
  • Global availability: PayPal is available in more than 200 countries and supports 25 currencies, while Stripe is available in 26 countries and supports 135 currencies.
  • Flexibility: Stripe offers more flexibility as far as customization and integration with other services with advanced API are concerned. 
  • Customer Support: Both services offer good customer support.

In short

Establishing with certainty which service between PayPal and Stripe is the more cost-effective one may be less straightforward than one might think. In general, we can say that Stripe tends to be cheaper for international transactions and microtransactions, while PayPal may be cheaper for high domestic transaction volumes and larger average order amounts. In any case, to make a fair assessment, you need to consider several factors, including transaction volume, average order amount, and the currencies that will be used. You might want to try running simulations to assess at what junctures you might have real savings.